Ready for ya, Dan
Steve Jobs has rewired the brains of the next generation… A Magazine Is an iPad That Does Not Work.m4v
Steve Jobs has rewired the brains of the next generation… A Magazine Is an iPad That Does Not Work.m4v
Yay! It’s ready!
Yay! It’s ready!
Dr Mike’s Math Games for Kids
Lucky I know what a manifold is, or I might never understand git…
Lucky I know what a manifold is, or I might never understand git…
An incredibly useful page that I must commit to memory forever :
An incredibly useful page that I must commit to memory forever :
I’m looking for
I’m looking for
* public domain,
* creative commons (commercial use permitted)
* or, worst come to worst, cheap
plan view (top view) pictures of cars, buses and trucks. Must be at least moderately photorealistic. I need them for an iPhone game. Any suggestions?
See the magic levitating disk : done with superconductors and quantum mechanics….
See the magic levitating disk : done with superconductors and quantum mechanics….