The 142857 Times Table – it’s easy!
How many Mickeys can you place on this grid, using each circle at most once?
How many Mickeys can you place on this grid, using each circle at most once?
You can only use each circle once this time – how many Mickey Mouse faces can you make?
You can only use each circle once this time – how many Mickey Mouse faces can you make?
How many Mickey Mouse faces can you find in this picture?
How many Mickey Mouse faces can you find in this picture?
Get your right- and left-brains working overtime!
Get your right- and left-brains working overtime!
Do Your 8 Times Table On Your Fingers! | Spoonful
Learning ratios while making sherbet!
Learning ratios while making sherbet!
In case you missed this!
In case you missed this!
Asian Style Steamboat Cooking
Design and make your own paper polyhedra (needs java browser plugin)
Design and make your own paper polyhedra (needs java browser plugin)